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Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum



Conference proceedings VEECKMAN, Johan (ed.), with Sarah Jennings, Claire Dumortier, David Whitehouse, Frans Verhaeghe - Majolica and Glass: from Italy to Antwerp and beyond, The transfer of technology in the 16th-early 17th century, Antwerp, 2002. ISBN 90-802915-6-0. 494 pages. Format 30x26cm. Proceedings of the international conference on majolica and glass organized in Antwerp by the city’s archaeology department, June 3-5, 1999. Researchers from 15 countries exchanged their views on the background and the role of Antwerp in the development of majolica and glass production in North-Western Europe. Includes 21 lectures and 19 poster contributions; can be regarded as the most up to date research on these subjects. Available from: Stad Antwerpen, Afdeling Archeologie, Kloosterstraat 15, B-2000 Antwerp. € 49,50 + € 5,00 postage & packing.

Article CAIGNIE, Frans - 'Een betegelde schouw in het Osterrieth-huis te Antwerpen' (A tiled chimney in the Osterrieth-house in Antwerp), in: Monumenten en Landschappen, 21/2, March-April 2002, p. 46-62. Available from: Monumenten en Landschappen, Graaf de Ferraris-gebouw, Albert II-laan 20, bus 7, B-1000 Brussel. € 6,00. E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Exhibition “Gracieus, Hasseltse keramiek uit de belle époque” (Graceful, ceramic art from Hasselt in the ‘belle époque’ period), in: Stedelijk Museum Stellingwerff-Waerdenhof, Maastrichterstraat 85, B-3500 Hasselt, 20.04 - 08.09.2002. Exhibition catalogue by Sabrina Polus, € 17,00. Includes a chapter on the tile production of the “Manufacture de Céramiques Décoratives de Hasselt” founded in 1895. Available from the museum, tel. +32 011/24.10.70, fax /26.23.98.
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Exhibition catalogue SCHOONBROODT, Benoît - L’art nouveau et les maîtres céramistes bruxellois: hommage aux fabriques d’art Helman, Janssens et Vermeren-Coché, Brussels, April 2002, 69 pages. Information from the author +32 0476/20.21.24.


Book FOWLER, Sandy & HARVEY, Wendy - Art Nouveau tiles 1890-1914, Schiffer Publishing, USA, 2002, 192 pp., 689 colour illustrations. Mainly British with a few Belgium and German tiles. Available from Buckland Books, Holly Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5PP. Tel/Fax +44-1903-717.648, Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. : £39.95.

Book GRAVES, Alun - Tiles and Tilework, V&A Publications, 2002. ISBN 1-85177-355-X. 166 pp., 160 col. ill. A lavishly illustrated survey of the use of tiles in interior design through the ages, from the Gothic through to Art Deco and the Omega Workshops in the 20th c. V&A Publications, 160 Brompton road, London SW3 1HW: £30,00. http://www.vandashop.co.uk/

Newsletter TACtile, Tiles & Architectural Ceramics Society (TACS), nbr 58 and 59 (March & June 2002): events and news from the Society. Enquiries about membership: TACS, Roger Hensman, 37 Mosley Road, Timperley, Altrincham WA15 7TF.

Antique Tile Fair "Bring, buy, sell or swap tiles" on Saturday October 5th 2002, 1.00-4.30 pm at St. Jude’s Church Hall, Mapperley, Nottingham. After the Sale, enrolled TACS members are welcome to view the tile collection of Michael Blood - about 2000 tiles. An organisation of TACS; details and enrolment from Michael Blood, Nottingham, tel. +44-0115-960.8502.

Magazine TACS, Glazed Expressions, nbr 44, Spring 2002, 12 pages. Article subjects: Portuguese tile murals by Eduardo Nery (Alan Swale); Nature Printing (Lance S. Fuller); The world at their feet, Decorative tile exports by British Manufacturers, 1850-1910 (Lynn Pearson); Conservation and restoration of tin-glazed tiles (Joop van der Werf); Subliminal Messages? – References to encaustic tiles in 19th c. American popular fiction (Michael Sims); Tiles and Terracotta in British Mausoleums (Lynn Pearson); Architectural Ceramics (Penny Beckett); An 1840 letter from Augustus Welby Pugin to Herbert Minton (Willem Irik).

Reprint FRANÇOIS, L. - Turn-of-the-century tile designs in full colour, Dover Publications, 2002, iv pp text + 43 full page colour plates, large paperback. An almost complete full-colour facsimile of the 1905 Catalogue of Faïenceries de Sarreguemines/Utzschneider, Digoin, Vitry-le-François and Paris. Available from Buckland Books: £ 15,70.

Book MURFITT, Stephen - The Glaze book, a visual catalogue of decorative ceramic glazes, Thames and Hudson, March 2002, 288 pp, 732 colour illus, spiral bound. Contains recipes for glazes with illustrations of the fired results over a huge temperature range from earthenware to porcelain. Available from Buckland Books : £ 19,95.

Book CLARK, Kenneth - The Tile: making, designing and using, MBE, Crowood Press, March 2002, 176pp, 322 colour illus. Describes the range of techniques employed in making and designing tiles from antiquity to the present day. Gives practical instruction and reviews the work of leading contemporary tile designers. Available from Buckland Books : £ 22,50.

Booklet ANON - William and Evelyn De Morgan, The De Morgan Centre, 2002, 32pp, 64 colour illus. Features a collection of both William’s tiles and pottery and Evelyn’s paintings. Available from Buckland Books: £ 3,95.

Book BETTS, Ian M. et al - Medieval ‘Westminster’ floor tiles, Molas Monograph 11, 2002, xii + 78pp, 12 colour illus + b&w illus in text, 180 scale tile drawings, A4 paperback. English text with French and German summaries. A group of medieval tile makers produced the so-called Westminster floor tiles in the mid 13th c. This study of the tiles and their makers records all known tile patterns, together with all known find locations, the various clay deposits used and details of the manufacture and laying arrangements. Available from Buckland Books : £ 11,95.


Bulletin Les informations de l'ABRC - Association Bourguignonne de Recherches Céramiques, n° 30 & 31, March & June 2002, 4 pages each. Edited by ABRC, rue Dr. Maret 5, 21000 Dijon. Ceramic exhibitions, events, publications in France and abroad.

Book GUERMONPREZ , Paul-Henri - La Faïencerie Lœbnitz, Phileas Fogg, France, 2002, French text, 86pp, 90 colour + 12 monochrome illus, paperback. A monograph on the tiles and faience of Lœbnitz. Available from Buckland Books : £ 11,50.

Internet site www.ceramique.com French website listing ceramic events in France and abroad. Occasionally some news on tiles. Monthly electronic newsletter.


Conference proceedings HOFFMANN, C. & SCHNEIDER, M. (eds.) - Von der Feuerstelle zum Kachelofen - Heizanlagen und Ofenkeramik vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit, Kulturhistorisches Museum der Hansestadt Stralsund, 2001. New survey of stove-tiles and ceramic heating technology: 14 conference papers concentrating on medieval to early modern stove-tile production, distribution and design in the North Germany / South Baltic region. Available from: Kulturhistorisches Museum der Hansestadt Stralsund, Moenchstrasse 25-27, D-18439 Stralsund, € 25,00.

Article MOLLEN, Thomas - 'Das Evangelium am warmen Kamin' (The gospel at the cooking-stove), in: stadt gottes, Familienzeitschrift der Steyler Missionare, n° 1, Januar 2002, p. 30-31.


Exhibition "Capolavori della maiolica rinascimentale, Montelupo “Fabbrica” di Firenze 1400-1630 - Masterpieces of renaissance ceramics, Montelupo “fabbrica” of Florence 1400-1630”, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, via Cavour 3, Firenze. Until October 27th 2002, 9.00 am / 7.00 pm (closed on Wednesdays). Gathers for the first time in Florence, in the wonderful venue of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, a consistent nucleus of late medieval and renaissance ceramics that represent the pinnacle of Montelupo production. 72 masterpieces on show with comprehensive Italian-English explanation panels.

Exhibition catalogue BERTI, Fausto - Capolavori della maiolica rinascimentale, Montelupo “Fabbrica” di Firenze 1400-1630 - Masterpieces of renaissance ceramics, Montelupo “fabbrica” of Florence 1400-1630. Bilingual, Italian-English, 325pp. ISBN 88-8242-094-9. Presents all 72 masterpieces in colour followed by a description of two maiolica pavements. Available from: Museo Montelupo, via XX Settembre 34, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino (FI), € 46,00. E-mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. ;

Catalogue Huneke Joachim, Rafaëlla Immediata, Cerrone Giampiero - La Passione, Publicrifo SNC, Salerno, 2002. Catalogue of an exhibition on sacral art in Convento San Francesco in Salerno, including Dutch bible tiles.

Booklet Various authors – Il pavimento maiolicato di san Giovanni a Carbonara, Electa, Italy, 1998, 32pp, 21 col & 7 b/w illus, Italian text. A description of the magnificent maiolica tiled floor from San Giovanni a Carbonara, together with details of its recent restoration. Many of the tiles are reminiscent of the floor at the Vyne. Available from Buckland Books: £ 4,95.

The Netherlands

Exhibitions 1) "Tile art from Chris Dagradi, ceramist from Delft" 7 September - 3 November 2002; 2) "Typisch Gouds, tegels en majolica uit de Gouden Eeuw" (Typical from Gouda, tiles and majolica from Hollands Golden Age) 16 November 2002 - 9 February 2003; in: Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo. Tel. +31-318-591.519, Fax -592.000.
("Typisch Gouds"exhibition in Gouda: 7.09-3.11.2002.)

Internet www.nederlandstegelmuseum.nl is the website of the Dutch Tile Museum in Otterlo. Includes information on the museum, an illustrated walk through the museum, an essay on the history and production process of Dutch tiles and an overview of the current and planned exhibitions in the museum.

Annual meeting The "Vrienden van Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum" (Friends of the Dutch Tile Museum) have their annual meeting on Saturday 28 September, 2002 at 10.00 am in Gouda. Several lectures in Dutch on the Gouda tile production. In the afternoon a visit of the above mentioned exhibition in Gouda. Information from Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

Annual TEGEL 30, Vrienden van het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, September 2002, 48 pages, Dutch, English summaries: 1) 'Early ornamental tiles in distant Einbeck' (Andreas Heege), 2) 'The pancake baker' (Lida Brouwer-Brand), 3) 'Two saints and two ‘popish devil’s hunters’' (Arend Jan Gierveld), 4) 'A 17th c. amor-pilar from Harlingen' (Dirk J. Hoekstra), 5) 'Tilemakers from Holland in 1753' (Johan A. Kamermans), 6) 'Joseph explains dreams in prison' (Dr. Robert Nouwen), 7) 'Tiles from Bruges' (Piet Swimberghe), 8) 'Tiles in a house, Havenstraat 2 in Erica' (Jan Pluis), 9) 'The Hoffman ring-kiln depicted on a tile' (F.H. Landzaat), 10) 'Zodiac and the seasons: the progress of time' (Hansa Krijgsman, research Frits Stuurman), 11) 'An ‘Indian’ tile picture from P.B. Delft in the Tropenmuseum' (Lejo Schenk); Bibliography 2001 - 2002. € 7,00. Available from: Het Nederlands Tegelmuseum, Eikenzoom 12, 6731 BH Otterlo. Tel. +31-318-591.519, Fax -592.000.

Article Mathijsen, G. - 'Een allegorie verklaard? Het tegeltableau ‘In duysent vreesen’ nader beschouwd' (An allegory made clear? The tile picture ‘In duysent vreesen’ on closer inspection), in: Rotterdams Jaarboekje, 2001.

Book KLOOSTER, Agnita, van ‘t - Mamlukse en Osmaanse tegels uit de 15de en 16de eeuw, gedecoreerd in Chinees-Islamitische stijl, 2 vol., 163 pages, 63 ill. Edited by the author, 2002. Available from the author, tel +31-030-28.71.000. € 30,00.

Auction "Van Sabben Tile Auctions", Ooststraat 32, 3261 KM Oud-Beijerland. Auction of several lots of antique tiles on Saturday, October 5th, 2002 at 13:00 pm. All lots will on view daily from September 28th onwards. Auctioning exclusively via written bids under notarial supervision. Auction catalogue available. Tel. +31-186-621.876 or -621.828, fax -619.092.


Annual Azulejo, Magazine of the Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Lisboa, 2001, n° 8. Rua da Madre de Deus 4, P-1900 Lissabon.

Catalogue Un art des sens - l’azulejo au Portugal, Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Paris, 2002.

Exhibition “Real Fábrica do Rato, 1767-1835”, in Museu Nacional do Azulejo. Important faience and tiles factory of royal initiative situated in Lisbon, producing Rococo, Neoclassical and Romantic tastes. November 2002. Catalogue available.

Book MARTINS, Fausto S. – Azulejaria Portuense, História e Iconografia, Edições Inapa, Lisboa, 2001, 191pp, mostly full-colour illus. Portuguese text. ISBN 972-8387-93-8. Available from www.byblos-arte.net : € 59,70.

Book Rafale Salinas Calado/Pedro Vieira de almeida - Aspectos Azulejares na Arquitecta Ferroviária portuguesa, Ed. Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses, Lisboa, 2001, 418pp, mostly full-colour illus. Portuguese text. ISBN 972-97046-5-1. ca. € 75,00.

Book J.M. dos Santos Simões - Estudos de Azulejaria, Impresa Nacional, Lissabon, 2001. 347pp, b&w + 68 col. ill. ca. € 57,00.

Book MANGUCCI, C. - A Quinta de nossa Senhora da Piedade, História do seu Palácio, Jardins e Azulejos, Museu Municipal Vila Franca de Xira, 1998, 142pp, b&w and colour illus. ca. € 35,00.

Article NEVES, P.T. - 'Arte Nova em Portugal', in: Arte Ibérica, n° 50, Oct/Nov. 2001, p. 46-49.


Catalogue PÉREZ CAMPS, Josep - Los Azulejos de la casa de los Huerta, Ajuntament de Manises, Valencia, 2001, 39pp, colour illus. Catalogue of the exhibition (Nov. 2001- Jan. 2002) that showed, properly restored and classified, all the ceramic tiles recovered by the specialists of the Museo de Ceramica de Manises from a house built in 1884, belonging to a well-known family of tile manufacturers from Manises, heirs of Ramon Huerta Sanchis. Available from the Museum, c/Sagrari 22, 46940 Manises.

Article Jean Couranjou - 'The real origin of the tiles from the Turkish Regency in Algiers (1518-1830) considered ‘Italian’', in: Butlletí Informatiu de Ceràmica, n° 72, July-December 2001; a publication of the Associació Catalana de Ceràmica Decorada i Terrissa, Sant Honorat 7, 08002 Barcelona. Catalan text. Information on tiles related ceramics, panorama and book reviews.

Exhibition catalogue El azulejo en el Museo. Su restauración, conservación y montaje expositivo (Tiles in the Museum. Their restoration, conservation and panelling for exhibition), Ministerio de education, cultura y deporte, 2001. ISBN 84-369-3515-2, 94 pages, 120 ill. Catalogue of the exhibition October 2001 - January 2002 in Museo Nacional de Cerámica, c/Poeta Querol 2, 46002 Valencia. Tel. +34-96-351-63.92, fax -35.12. Available from the museum.

The objective of this Bulletin is the exchange of information on all kind of events (publications, exhibitions, lectures, ...) related to the subject of ceramic tiles and tiles related ceramics.
Published twice a year, in February and September.
Please send any useful information to the editor.

Edited by Stichting Vrienden Nederlands Tegelmuseum - European Ceramic Tiles Circle, c/o Caignie Frans, Akkerstraat 3, B-2970 Schilde, Belgium. Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.

The European Ceramic Tiles Circle is not responsible for the correctness of the information.
Prices are for information only and exclusive post & packing costs.
